日期:2021-05-19, 查看:3940






       2025.01至今,    副研究员,中国科学院宁波材料技术与工程研究所,宁波







  1. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,主持,2023年-2025年;
  2. 浙江省自然科学基金探索项目,主持,2025年-2026年;
  3. 宁波市自然科学基金,主持,2022年-2024年;
  4. 中国科学院宁波材料所所长基金青年托举人才,主持,2024年-2027年。


  1. Tong, Yu; Song, Lijian; Gao, Yurong; Fan, Longlong; Li, Fucheng; Yang, Yiming; Mo, Guang; Liu, Yanhui; Shui, Xiaoxue; Zhang, Yan; ",Strain-driven Kovacs-like memory effect in glasses,Nature communications,14,1,8407,2023.
  2. Tong, Yu; Li, Fucheng; Song, Lijian; Liu, Yanhui; Huo, Juntao; Qiao, Jichao; Yao, Yao; Pelletier, JM; Crespo, Daniel; Pineda, Eloi; ",Unexpected non-monotonic changing in the heterogeneity of glasses during annealing,Journal of Materials Science & Technology,177,96-102,2024.
  3. Duan, YJ; Nabahat, Mehran; Tong, Yu; Ortiz-Membrado, Laia; Jiménez-Piqué, Emilio; Zhao, Kun; Wang, Yun-Jiang; Yang, Yong; Wada, Takeshi; Kato, Hidemi; ",Connection between mechanical relaxation and equilibration kinetics in a high-entropy metallic glass,Physical review letters,132,5,056101,2024.
  4. Wu, Yuzhou; Huang, Yue; Wang, Yebei; Wang, Fuchao; Gao, Yunhe; Sun, Yingying; Jian, Meichen; Song, Lijian; Tong, Yu; Zhang, Yan; ",High-throughput development of tough metallic glass films,Materials Horizons, 2024.
  5. 乔吉超; 张浪渟; 童钰; 吕国建; 郝奇; 陶凯; 基于微观结构非均匀性的非晶合金力学行为,力学进展,52,1,117-152,2022.
  6. Song lijian, Tong yu, Gao meng, Wang junqiang, 非晶合金弛豫子及相互作用研究进展,  SCIENTIA SINICA Physica, Mechanica & Astronomica,1674-7275,  2024.
  7. Yurong Gao, Yu Tong, Lijian Song,*, Jiacheng Liu, Bowen Zang, Mingliang Xiang, Meng Gao,Yan Zhang, Juntao Huo, and Jun-Qiang Wang. Effect of stress relaxation on soft magnetic properties of Fe76Si9B10P5 metallic glass [J]. EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL-APPLIED PHYSICS, 98, 20 (2023). PDF
  8. Y.R. Gao,#, Y. Tong#, L.J. Song*, X.X. Shui, M. Gao, J.T. Huo, J.-Q. Wang*. Continuous transition from gamma to beta dynamics during stress relaxation[J]. Scripta Materialia, 224 (2023) 115114.
  9. Tong Y, Qiao JC., Pelletier J M, Yao Y. Strong metallic glass: TiZrHfCuNiBe high entropy alloy [J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019: 153119.
  10. Tong Y, Qiao JC, Yao Y. The constitutive model and threshold stress for characterizing the deformation mechanism of Al0.3CoCrFeNi high entropy alloy [J]. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2018, 730:137-146.
  11. Tong Y, Qiao JC., Pelletier J M, Yao Y. Rate-dependent plastic deformation of TiZrHfCuNiBe high entropy bulk metallic glass [J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019, 785 :542-552.
  12. Tong Y, Qiao JC, Zhang C, Pelletier JM, Yao Y. Mechanical properties of Ti16.7Zr16.7Hf16.7Cu16.7Ni16.7Be16.7 high-entropy bulk metallic glass [J]. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2016, 452(1):57-61.
  13. Tong Y, Qiao JC., Pelletier J M, Yao Y. Aspect ratio effects on the serrated flow dynamic of TiZrHfCuNiBe high entropy metallic glass, [J]. Intermetallics ,2020,119:106726.


  1. 童钰,王军强,宋丽建,姚冰楠,高萌,霍军涛,张岩. 一种提高非晶合金抗应力松弛能力的方法:中国发明专利,202311721219.6[P].2023-12-14.
  2. 高玉蓉;童钰;宋丽建;姚冰楠;高萌;王军强;霍军涛;张岩. 一种提高非晶合金软磁性能的应力退火方法: 中国发明专利, 202211504034.5 [P]. 2022-11-28.(已授权:CN 115786653 B,2024-06-28)